tea tasting set - includes a tasting bowl
and a specialized brewing cup with a lid.
weighing scale - to measure accurately an
exact 3 grams of tea.
tasting spoon
- which is essentially a spoon similar to a soup
spoon but is deeper in order to hold more volume
of liquid. |

spittoon - to spit out the tea that you taste.
timer - to brew tea for 3 or 4 minutes precisely. |
Take a spoonful of tea
to the tasting spoon. |
Place the spoon on the edge of your
lower lip. |
Take an inward short and powerful
breath of air that will spray the tea into your
mouth. The aim here is to spray the tea so that
it will hit the back of you palette. |
Once the tea is sprayed into your
mouth you then move it around your mouth, sucking
in further short bursts of air, in order to release
the more delicate characteristics inherent in the
tea. |
Once you have tasted the tea you
spit out into the spittoon. |