In 1983 a young team of tea experts with
a passion for quality created a new brand of superior
tea. Thus “Mlesna” was born.
At “Mlesna” our ambition is not just selling
packaged teas but giving consumers undisputed quality
teas in beautiful packages.
With less than 10 people the “Mlesna” team
set about their work to create the best quality teas in
the most selectively designed packages.
With humble beginnings we at “Mlesna” set
about to package teas in new and creative ways in order
to attract the connoisseurs of tea into the world of exclusive
teas, and in doing so created a special market for value
added teas.
Today with 20 years of experience, more than 3000 different
products and a permanent staff of more than 350 people,
we at “Mlesna” strive to give our customers,
the connoisseurs, the same we did 20 years ago –
superior quality teas in exquisite packaging. In doing
so – “Mlesna” has spread its wings the
world over and service a clientele of 50 countries.
With skilled tea tasters with more than 25 years of experience,
blenders of varied tea knowledge, packaging experts, quality
gurus and a drive that few people dare to show –
we, the “Mlesna” team, continue to strive
for excellence.
Be it black or green, drunk plain or with milk, we at
“Mlesna” give the world quality teas that
no one can match and which the connoisseur always wishes
to drink. In doing so “Mlesna” keeps to their
word in providing the world with tea that is “Naturally
the Best”.